Important Uniform Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers
I hope this letter finds you well. As we continue to strive for excellence at Campion School, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of wearing the correct uniform and adhering to our dress code policy.
Wearing the correct uniform is not merely about conforming to a set of rules; it is a reflection of our character and values, particularly those of respect and integrity. By wearing our uniform correctly, students demonstrate their respect for themselves, their peers, and the school. It instils a sense of pride and professionalism, preparing them for the expectations of the wider world beyond the academy.
At Campion School, we have established clear guidelines regarding our uniform policy to ensure consistency and uphold our values. We expect shirts to be neatly tucked in at all times, as this signifies attention to detail and discipline. Any untucked shirt will result in a detention, as it is essential for students to understand the importance of following instructions and adhering to standards.
Furthermore, ties and blazers are mandatory attire, along with black smart shoes and either a black pencil skirt (to the knee) or trousers. These requirements not only promote a sense of unity and belonging but also prepare students for the expectations of professional environments they will encounter in their future careers.
We understand that financial constraints may pose challenges for some families, which is why we offer loan uniform options to any student in need. It is important to note that refusal to borrow uniform will result in internal reflection, as we believe every student should have access to the tools necessary for their success.
In addition to uniform guidelines, we also have rules regarding jewellery to maintain a focused and safe learning environment. Students are permitted one plain stud in each ear, with no other visible piercings allowed. Bracelets, necklaces on show, nose piercings, false nails, or painted nails are strictly prohibited.
By adhering to these guidelines, students not only demonstrate their commitment to the values of our academy but also develop essential life skills such as self-discipline, respect for authority, and attention to detail.
The coming 2 week holiday offers a chance to reset uniform by buying any items needing replacement. Students who do not comply with the above will be subject to internal reflection
(isolation) if they are not properly dressed on their return or willing to work with us to make the uniform correct. New ties can be bought by contacting the finance office either by phone, email or a student bringing in money to buy a replacement.
We appreciate your support in reinforcing these expectations at home and encourage open communication if you have any questions or concerns regarding our uniform policy.
Thank you for your continued partnership in nurturing the growth and success of our students.
Yours sincerely
Mr S King
Assistant Headteacher