Deadline for NCC Bus Applications

The following information applies to parents that are not entitled to free school travel assistance [these parents pay yearly] This will also include students that are entering/presently in the sixth form and for some of our new students joining us in September 2022.

Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) will guarantee a seat on NCC school transport for a student where an application is received on or before the 20th May 2022. Guaranteed seats will not be available for applications received after that time, and will then be subject to availability, which will be considered once all statutory students have been allocated. Please note that that any applications after this time will not be assessed until November 2022 and parents will be responsible for taking their child to and from school along with any costs.

For some of the students that are joining Campion School in September 2022 an application may need to be made to use NCC school transport.

The school transport team at NCC will let you know if an application needs to be made and if a fee is chargeable to use this service, they can be contacted on the below; or 01604 364388

The below links are to help all of the above applicable parents to apply for home to school transport;

All other enquires please email